Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Your house is kind of on the way to the interstate, if you're willing to go in the wrong direction

"So...why did you come get me?"


"Why did you pick me up? Everything had gone to hell, you had your whole plan and everything, so why did you come by my house? You didn't even know I would be there."

"Uh...Well, I was trying to pick up the whole cheerleading team, but you were the only one who wasn't all zombified already."


"...Sure, we'll go with that."

"Hm. OK."


"And thanks, by the way. For, you know, not letting me get my face eaten off or anything."

"No problem. I mean, it's a good face. I mean, it's nice. To look at. For a face. I mean, not that it's just any face, 'cause it's your face--"



"Stop being weird."


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