Thursday, September 15, 2011

And we're not going to eat our vegetables, either!

"The next season of Glee."

"The next season of Walking Dead. We coulda gotten some good tips from that."

"The last Twilight movies."

"The next Star Trek movie."

"Christmas with my family."

"New Years."


"The next Comic Con.....This is a horrible game."


"Hey, wait, don't cry! Listen, uh, come on, we'll talk about something else. Things we WON'T miss. Like the Twilight movies."

"Hey! They're fun."

"OK, OK, well, what won't you miss?"

"Um.....finals. Especially calc."

"And Spanish. No tengo mas grammar worksheets, Senior Gomez!"

"Ha! No more vacuuming."

"No more getting made fun of at school."

"Aw, Glen--"

"Whatever, don't worry about it."

"OK...No more paying for ANYTHING!"

"No more traffic!"

"No more curfew!"

"No more cleaning my room."

"No more worrying about anything because there's already been a zombie apocalypse so everything else can't be that bad."

"See, and now that you've said that, we--"


1 comment:

Hel said...

Pssst... I need a new post!