Thursday, September 08, 2011

And if you keep questioning me, I will explain it to you in graphic detail

"How soon are we stopping for supplies?"

"We have plenty of bottled water, granola bars, cupa noodles, a hot plate we can plug into the car, blankets, cards--"



"I need to stop for supplies."

"But I got everything we need. We won't have to stop for weeks!"

"You're traveling with a woman. I need. Supplies."

"What else could you possibly need? Nail polish? Mascara? Laurie, I promise, you look fine. For a post-apocalyptic world, you look fantastic."

"First of all, I look amazing. Second of all, no, jackass, not nail polish. I need......girl stuff."

"I don't think we have enough power for the hot plate and a curling iron or whatever."



"TAMPONS. I need tampons. Of various sizes. And pantie liners. And probably some pads and--"

"Stopitstopitstopit I'm sorry we can stop in 10 minutes!"

"Thank you."

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